
Region One Collaborative - 外展 Network (ROC-ON)

的 Region One Collaborative 外展 Network (ROC-ON) supports learning excellence for all 学生 in region one. Partners include K-12 school districts in Benewah, 邦纳, 边界, 库特奈和肖肖尼县, the Idaho State Department of Education and the bet365亚洲官网 College of Education 健康 and Human Sciences. 通过专业发展, 训练, 指导, 合作与研究, 民国标识, builds and maintains capacity for K-12 leadership for learning.


我们相信团结在一起会更强大. We recognize the power of the network supports three critical elements:

  • 集体关注学生学习: ROC-ON partners focus on student learning excellence. We assume all 学生 have the right to high quality learning despite the external obstacles 学生, 学校, 地区和社区面临. We maintain a clear focus on student learning excellence.
  • 协作: ROC-ON partners encourage leaders to work together, not only to develop shared understandings of teachers, 学生, 课程与教学政策, but also to produce experiences and materials that support sustainable and continuous learning excellence. We simplify inherent complexity, connect to reduce redundancy and support sustainable action.
  • 共同的价值观和规范通过行动和讨论, partners affirm their common values concerning educational issues in support of our shared focus on student learning excellence.

ROC-ON creates six conditions which nurture the shared leadership necessary to develop, 培养和维持学习型领导力. By participating in the network, you will directly benefit from the following:

  1. 是时候交流和交谈了
  2. 减少隔离
  3. 成为支持社区的一员
  4. Be able to calibrate your strategies for policy implementation as you exchange ideas
  5. Support collective action and reduce redundancies
  6. 认识和提升能力


教育人才寻访 (ETS) serves more than 700 学生 in North Idaho. ETS的使命是提供指导, advise and encourage income-eligible, first-generation college bound 学生 in grades six through 12 — as well as adults — toward achieving entry to post-secondary education. ETS staff publicize and administer academic support, career and college exploration and financial aid assistance.

盖尔·奥托| gotto@u爱达荷州.edu

银谷向上 (SVUB) serves around 60 low-income/first-generation high school 学生 in Kellogg and Wallace. 学生接受密集的, one-on-one academic services intended to support their journey from high school through post-secondary education. SVUB包括辅导, 经济援助工作坊, 职业咨询, 大学访问, and a six-week residential academic summer program featuring dual credit and a college-simulation experience.

阿里尔·霍兰| ahoran@u爱达荷州.edu

的 爱达荷州建筑能力 (IBC) project is a system of support for Idaho 学校 and districts in “needs improvement” status. 了解更多有关IBC的信息.

IBC协调员利比·巴雷特 lbarrett@u爱达荷州.edu

伊丽莎白沃戈、首席研究员| ewargo@u爱达荷州.edu

的 Idaho Department of Education has placed educators in each region who work full-time for the 爱达荷州培训网络ELA/扫盲. 的 focus is on supporting educators to improve instructional practices and develop deeper understanding of the state's English Language 艺术/Literacy content standards. 的 network is predicated on honoring teachers as professionals and leaders and taking the time to drive lasting change. This yearlong job embedded work results in the development of local teacher leaders who support professional learning and better outcomes for 学生.

丽莎·南斯| 爱达荷州core1a@sde.爱达荷州.政府

爱达荷地区数学中心 strive to ensure math teachers are highly talented, trained and effective professionals. Operating as regional support centers for all K-12 public 学校, the 爱达荷地区数学中心 provide professional development for teachers and conduct research to support mathematics teaching and learning in Idaho.

朱莉·阿玛多尔| irmc@u爱达荷州.edu

的 Center on Disabilities and Human Development – 特殊教育支援 and Technical Assistance (CDHD-SESTA) project provides school districts with technical assistance, 训练, 培训和监控支持. 除了, CDHD-SESTA also offers special education resources for loan to school district employees, 家长和其他专业人士.

特丽莎·迈尔斯| trishamiles@u爱达荷州.edu

爱达荷辅助技术项目 (IATP) offers assistive technology (AT) information, 推荐, 示威活动, technical assistance and device loans to people with disabilities, 老年人, 他们的家庭和职业. Assistive technology includes such things as alternative keyboards, 老鼠, 开关, 发展玩具, 愿景, 听力, 沟通, 阅读, 写作, 数学和组织工具. IATP also facilitates an AT reuse program among many other endeavors all available locally and across the state.

丹·戴尔| dyer@u爱达荷州.edu


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